Tafisa Gamma Cabinet Drawer Front

Gamma Drawer Front Specs

  • Product ID TFLSLIMDF
  • Price calculated as Sq. Ft. price + $6.00 per drawer front
  • Minimum width 4 13/16” Maximum width 40”
  • Minimum height 4 13/16” Maximum height 20”
  • There is no warranty on drawer fronts over 33” wide or 10” tall
  • Stiles and rails are 1/4" wide
  • Panel grain runs horizontal

Our Gamma 5 Piece Drawer Front will be aesthetically representative of the Gamma Cabinet door (there may be some slight variations depending on color of door).

The Gamma Drawer Front is a 5 Piece Laminate Drawer Front with a Slim 1/2" Molded Detail all the way around the frame of the door, and are 3/4" in thickness.  Like the Slim Shaker Cabinet Drawer Front the Gamma Cabinet Drawer Front details are very simple with a flat inside and outside edge. This line of doors are built using the TAFISA / karisma collection of colors. The texture is wire brushed. They are built with a mitered blind mortise and tenon joint.

They can be ordered with the matching Gamma Cabinet Door. The 5 piece Gamma drawer fronts will have the same width of stiles and rails as the doors and the grain on the center panel will run horizontal. The center panel grain on the Alpha drawer fronts can be changed to vertical upon request.  

Please contact us for information on Matching laminates available for finished ends, etc.

IMPORTANT: The color of the products in this publication may vary from on-screen representation.  Please confirm color by going to or by requesting a sample. 

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